

  • ARTSY- CRAFTS –  Meets monthly to make creative craft projects.
  • BOOK CLUB – Meets monthly on the 4th Tuesday at members’ homes. Discuss interesting new books, mostly fiction and sometimes classics.
  • BRIDGE – This social group meets monthly on the 1st Thursday and welcomes new or returning bridge players with a basic knowledge of bridge.
  • BUNCO – There are currently two Bunco Groups.  They meet during the daytime on the second Monday or Wednesday. Bunco is an easy dice game with lots of socializing and eating. All groups meet once a month at members’ homes.
  • CARD GAMES – Meets monthly on the third Wednesday of the month. Various games are taught and played.
  • COOKING – Meets quarterly on the fourth Friday of the month.
  • DINER OUT – Meets monthly at various local restaurants.  The host selects the restaurant and makes the appropriate reservations.  Members take turns hosting.
  • FARKEL- Exciting dice game, filled with chance and risk.  Meets monthly at a rotating host on the last Tuesday of the month.
  • HIKING – A weekly fitness-hiking group for people of all levels of hiking skills. The group meets on Friday mornings at 8:30am & hikes at various Regional Parks, usually no more than 30 minutes from San Ramon.
  • LUNCH BUNCH – Meets monthly on the second Friday and tries out different new restaurants or old favorites. The location is decided each month by a rotating host member.
  • MAH JONGG – Meets the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at a rotating hostess home. A basic knowledge of Mah Jongg is required.
  • MEXICAN TRAIN DOMINOS – This is a fun relaxing domino game and easy to learn. Currently, we have two daytime groups.  The groups meet monthly on the third Monday for dominos and dessert.
  • NEEDLEPOINT –  This group meeting monthly and invites all sewing/knitting/crocheting folks to join.
  • RUMMIKUB – Meets monthly on the first Monday of the month.  Players use tiles to build runs and pairs similar to the card rummy games.
  • WINE APPRECIATION – This group meets monthly either at a member’s home, a winery, or a restaurant. Wines for tasting are picked with a theme in mind, Spanish, German, etc. Everyone brings a hearty appetizer to share. This activity is for couples and singles.
  • WALKING –  This group meets weekly @ 9 a.m. on Fridays.   Walks are approximately two miles long and the sites vary in our local area.